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Verm-X Pellets 250g

Verm-X Pellets 250g

Regular price £10.95 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.95 GBP
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Verm-X is a 100% natural, palatable and easy to use formulation that controls intestinal hygiene whilst being gentle on the gut and digestive system. Eggs are safe to eat whilst using Verm-X and approved in organic systems*

Verm-X, whilst this is not a wormer as such, creates an environment in the gut and digestive system which is able to attack and expel challenges in this area and should last 5 birds 6 months.

We recommended to first worm your poultry with a wormer such as Flubenvet, or Flubendazole first then keep worms at bay with this natural product.

Chemical products generally work on whatever challenges are present at the time of feeding, the environment Verm-X builds is designed to stay active throughout the year, so that so long as fed for three consecutive days each and every month as instructed, it is able to stop anything from settling and doing it's damage, keeping your birds healthy and you happy!

Feeding Instructions:

- For chickens and ducks please feed 2.5g per bird per day. 
- For geese and turkeys please feed 5g per bird per day.

Mix whole or crushed into daily feed ration. Repeat for 3 consecutive days each and every month. Double the amount can be safely fed if required. 
Keep pack sealed and dry when not in use. store in a cool place. avoid contamination. Always seek veterinary advice if in doubt.


Wheat Meal, Wheatfeed Meal, Limestone Flour, Garlic, Cinnamon, Common Thyme, Seaweed Meal, Sunflower Oil, Nettle, Cleavers, Fennel, Peppermint, Slippery Elm, Quassia, Dicalcium Phosphate, Cayenne.


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